Mustard seed kjv
Mustard seed kjv

Than all seeds." He means a faith real and trustful, though it be Grain of mustard seed, which, as he says (Matthew 13:32), "is less Win success and make all things possible. Had not displayed that perfect confidence and trust which alone can Unbelieving scribes but they had acted in a half-hearted manner, and They had, indeed, shown some faith by making even the attempt at theĮxpulsion of the devil, and were not to be classed with the Vitality in the grain of seed stretching forward to great results, It has been supposedīy others, therefore, to mean, If you have increasing, expanding,Įnlarged faith, growing and strengthening from small beginnings, youĬan perform the most difficult undertaking.

mustard seed kjv

Mustard-seed produced the largest of all herbs. It has been supposedīy some, therefore, that he meant to say, If you have the smallest orįeeblest faith that is genuine, you can do all things. The mustard-seed was the smallest of all seeds. We note that "unbelief" is not consistent with the flow of the text because Jesus' audience was not without belief!

mustard seed kjv mustard seed kjv

The sense of the verse is certainly "little faith" because Jesus goes on, in the same verse, discussing faith as small as grain of mustard seed, etc. For a discussion of why oligopistos is preferable, see UBS5. Now, NA28, NA27, UBS4, UBS5, W&H, etc, all have ὀλιγόπιστος in Matt 17:20 however, the Byzantine text, Majority, GOC, TR, all have ἀπιστίαν (= unbelief) here, and because the KJV follows TR, it has "unbelief".

  • Thayer: of little faith, trusting too little.

  • Mustard seed kjv